Tactile tablet insideONE...
insideONE is an all new kind of tablet that unites the world of Braille and print. The Windows 10 touch-screen tablet was specifically designed to enable people with visual impairment to communicate, share ideas and collaborate with sighted people effortlessly and productively. Interactions between parents and kids, teachers and students and peers at work become easy and natural. With insideONE, Braille input is instantly displayed on the screen and any typed text is simultaneously available on the integrated 32-cell braille display.

Description : insideONE, the first braille tactile tablet in the world, combines design, technological performance and haptic ergonomics to elegantly and easily allow visually impaired people access to the mainstream digital world. insideONE, initially conceived as a product for the blind can be used by anybody regardless of visual impairment, thus bridging the gap between the sighted and blind worlds. Discover new ways of interacting through the use of the proprietary HOME suite of software. We live and work in the same places ...we each have the same desire to learn, create, and play…together. Now, with insideONE we can.
Price: Retail price $5499.00